Do you know what a group of giraffes is called? A ‘Tower’!
Giraffes are a true marvel of nature and a prime example of the power of evolution. Males can be as tall as 18 feet and weigh over 1.3 tonnes. As per a recent study it has been determined that there are four primary species of Giraffe in the African Continent: The Masai Giraffe, The Northern Giraffe, The Souther Giraffe and the Reticulated Giraffe.

Let’s look at five fascinating facts about giraffes, that will blow your mind!
1. We do know giraffes are tall, but what is fascinating is that newborn giraffes at a height of 6ft, are taller than most humans on Earth!
2. Baby giraffes are born tough. At birth, they fall from a height of around 2 meters to the ground, which helps start their first breaths. They can stand and walk within a few hours of birth.
3. While giraffes seem to like calm animals going about their businesses, fights between two males can get very serious. They have a horn-like structure called Ossicones, that they often ram into each other’s abdomen, swiveling their necks like a sledgehammer. Brutal!

4. While a giraffe’s neck alone is taller than most humans on the planet, do you know humans and giraffes have the same number of vertebrae (bones) in their neck? Giraffes and humans both have 7 vertebrae each in their necks. Fascinating isn’t it?

5. Despite their long necks, giraffes are capable runners and can reach speeds of up to 35 miles per hour (56 km/h) for short distances. This speed, combined with their long strides, helps them escape predators like lions and hyenas in the wild.
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